Maybe it's because you've thrown away any possiblity of finding a high quality husband and having a good family and you're feeling the reality of that slowly overcoming the litany of rationalisations you've hitherto relied on to keep you calm. Just a thought.
Maybe, in part, its because of people like you. Why are you here? Reading this post? Responding to someone who, in part, makes their way in this world as a sex worker. Judging her life, and her decisions. Analyzing her feelings and giving your expert analysis. Perhaps, its because you live a narrow life of fear, clinging to the rails that your parent, teachers, the church, and society told you to follow. Are the litany of rationalizations that literally define you, causing you feelings of emptiness and pain, such that you have to lash out and judge others?
i haven't recovered and i used to love being around lots of people
i hope this passes/changes for all of us
Sending u lots of hugs 💗 I think it will, slowly
Perhaps a bit of covid, a bit of watching the disintegration of the usa, watching people lose so much especially over the last year. Not a happy time.
You're so courageous to share this, Liara. My admiration of you just keeps growing.
This is the company mentioned in the TedTalk.
10 Pass Ozone Therapy should help your health issues.
Micronutrients have helped me tremendously. This TedTalk explains the benefits.
Have people forgot how to socialize?
Maybe it's because you've thrown away any possiblity of finding a high quality husband and having a good family and you're feeling the reality of that slowly overcoming the litany of rationalisations you've hitherto relied on to keep you calm. Just a thought.
Maybe, in part, its because of people like you. Why are you here? Reading this post? Responding to someone who, in part, makes their way in this world as a sex worker. Judging her life, and her decisions. Analyzing her feelings and giving your expert analysis. Perhaps, its because you live a narrow life of fear, clinging to the rails that your parent, teachers, the church, and society told you to follow. Are the litany of rationalizations that literally define you, causing you feelings of emptiness and pain, such that you have to lash out and judge others?