What an interesting narrative.

Here's my conclusion about Touching / Hands.

If we see that duality in retrospective as you did, we could find something relevant on that story. <<Nerds>> (and, in general, everyone) in that sense, have always look for a <<kind of power>>. I'm talking about <<control / domination>>.

The main source of control / domination is "Touching / Hands". As computers and technology began to appear, our hands and that sense of touching become a part important of our lives.

I mean, nowadays, <<Nerds>> transformed that power into entertainment industries (i.e. videogames tournaments), and the duality "Hands / Touching" became a source of a second power: Acquisitive power. Through the control of my videogame I can be the best.

But I do really think, and you mencioned it on your essay, the most powerful element of this equation is <<The Perspective/Gaze>>. I recomend "Gonzalo-Abril" an author who talks about <<The Perspective>> as the place of enunciation of the people. When we look to a masterpiece, an instrument, an a person, a body, we are looking with our context (social and cultural) and with the representations of our live (time-space of the History).

Even, <<perspective>>, according to Gonzalo Abril, concerns about a "symbolic domination", and experience and overall, a representation of our senses. "What we look assign us

a place, a position of observers and evaluators, a knowledge and even a

space of pleasure or displeasure.":

"Looking at someone’s hands, watching how they touch something, you get a little window into how they engage with the world. Do they know how to touch something gently, get a little rough, dial it back down? Can they nail the timing?"

Gonzalo-Abril: [Translate] Our gaze is contained in them because what we see, while being looked at, look at us.

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I love BDSM as much as anyone, but sometimes sex is not necessarily about domination, control, or power... maybe I should write a post about that too 😂

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Yes, for sure, you've got a point. :)

In this case, I do really think <<Gaze>> and the way we look at <nerds> - and, of course, the way they look us as <nerds> - creates that tension in sense of representations of the world and our position: Power relationships.

I mean, I agree: "sex is not necessarily about domination", but somebody not necessarily have the <<power>> to look into your eyes (shame, culture, context). Through the gaze (our gaze) is how we perceive and they perceive us in the space-time. If that weren't the case, OF would have no reason to exist, because people would have very easy access to look at. "You have control <power> of who can watch and who cannot watch your content. And that's amazing, how a material production of the culture plays with the gaze: Who can you look at and who can be looked at?

I do really love your essay.

By the way, thank you so much for sharing your point of view with me. Mexican cheers!

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Thanks, Liara, I've always have been a nerd, I bear the title proudly.

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